La Paz

Department of La Paz was created on January 23, 1826, by supreme decree promulgated by Antonio José de Sucre.

Political division: The department is divided into 20 provinces, 272 cantons and 80 municipalities.

Population: The department of La Paz has 2,350,466 inhabitants, which represents 28.4% of the population of Bolivia. The city of Nuestra Señora de La Paz (currently La Paz municipality) is the capital of the department; ED infección a population of Descargas de REGISTRACIO Workshop, 790.3undary people; it is at a height of 3,649 m.s. his party is on July 16 in commemoration of the revolution of 1809.

Foundation: founded on October 20, 1,548. Another important municipality is El Alto, adjacent to the municipality of La Paz, currently has 694,749 inhabitants, its party is March 6 in commemoration of its creation in 1986; It is the headquarters of the international airport of "El Alto" located at 4,077 m.s.n.m.

Geography: The Department of La Paz is located in northwestern Bolivia. Area: The total area of ​​the department is 133.985 km2 The Capital, headquarters of the central Government, is located between 16 ° 30'00 "south latitude and 68 ° 08'00" west longitude of the Greenwich Meridian.

Limits: to the north with Pando; to the south with Oruro; to the east with Beni and Cochabamba and to the west with the Republics of Peru and Chile. The department of La Paz is divided into three geographical zones: The altiplanic zone formed by the Lake Titicaca region, is the most humid region of the Andean high plan (650 mm of rainfall, annual average). The sub-Andean zone, formed by the northeast flank of the Cordillera Real or Oriental that descends to the tropical plains of the north, its climate is humid and gives rise to exuberant vegetation. This area is commonly known as Los Yungas. The zone Amazonian, adjoins with the departments of Beni and Pando, tropic of exuberant vegetation that do of this zone an appropriate place for the adventure and ecological tourism.

Orography: The department is mountainous in two thirds of its territory, only to the north it participates in the plains of Beni and Pando and in its central and southwest area there is a high plateau, known as Altiplano. It participates in two mountain ranges: Oriental or Royal and Western or Volcanic. To the northwest the Cololo (5,595 m.) Stands out in the Apolobamba mountain range; Huila Kollo (5,816 m.). The impressive summits of the La Paz mountain range rise over La Paz territory: Illampu (6,363 m.); Ancohuma (6,427 meters); Casiri (5,910 meters); Chiara Orko (6,100 meters); Huayna Potosí (6,094 meters); Illimani (6,490 meters); Chacaltaya (5,600 meters). In the Tres Cruces mountain range: Puntiagudo (5,400 meters); Anvil (5,600 meters); Immaculate (5,600 meters); Jachakunokollo (5,900 mts.). In the Western or Volcanic Mountain range they emphasize: Canasita (5.184 mts.) And the beautiful print of the Anallajsi volcano (volcano whose cone exploded) located to the south of the stone city to 75 km of Charaña.

Hydrography: The department of La Paz belongs to two hydrographic basins of the country; the Central or Lake Hoya and the Amazon Basin.

Rivers of the Central or Lacustrine Basin: On the territory of La Paz is Lake Titicaca, the largest lake in South America and at the same time the highest navigable lake in the world. This lake belongs approximately equally to Bolivia and Peru. The Titicaca with an average altitude of 3,810 meters. It communicates with Poopó through the Desaguadero River. The main rivers that flow into the Titicaca (Bolivia) are: Suches; Kaka and Chiarjoko.

Rivers of the Amazon Basin: The main river artery is the Beni River, which is born in the snow-capped mountains of Chacaltaya with the name of Choqueyapu; later it is known by the name of La Paz to which the important rivers born in the Cordillera de Cochabamba: Santa Elena and Cotacajes join. The river of La Paz in its route through the Sud Yungas province, bears the name of FOPI; It becomes navigable from the town of Puerto Linares. The most important tributaries that receives the Beni River are: Coroico, Zongo, Challana, Mapiri, Tipuani, Tuichi, Madidi. In the northwest, important rivers are born that are going to converge to the Madre de Dios (born in Peru with the name of Manú, and that in Bolivian territory borders between the departments of La Paz and Pando to the North of La Paz, these rivers are : Heath (which borders Bolivia and Peru) and leads to the Madre de Dios in Puerto Heath), Asunta, Manuripi, Manurime, and Huipa Esada.

Economic aspect: The department of La Paz possesses natural resources of enormous magnitude. The different ecological levels that affect its territory give it a rich variety in both agricultural production and livestock breeds that fit their contrasting regions. Mining: It has important mining resources: gold, tin, antimony, wolfram, lead, silver, marble, plaster, etc.

Agriculture: In the altiplano produces: potatoes, quinoa, oca, beans, cañahui, peas, barley, cultivated pastures and oats among the main. In the areas of the valleys: variety of fruits such as grapes, peaches, plums, etc., as well as all kinds of vegetables and legumes. The Yungas area provides: citrus fruits, coffee, peanuts, cassava, corn, coca and other typical fruits of the region. In the region of the tropical plains of the north of the department, high quality pastures and tree species of fine woods like mara or mahogany, blood of bull, moradillo, laurel, etc. thrive.

Livestock: In the altiplano: camelids, in the wild and mountain puna: llamas, alpacas and vicuñas in great quantity, both wool and meat are absorbed for industrial and food consumption. The high plateau is populated by large herds of sheep. The region of Apolo due to its climate conditions and excellent natural pastures is suitable for the breeding and fattening of cattle, sheep and horses. The northern prairies shelter large herds of cattle and horses.

Fishing: Fishing is done in Lake Titicaca, especially Salmon trout and Creole. In the rivers La Paz and Beni there is abundant fishing of delicious fish such as: pacú, catfish, tilefish, catfish, shad, surubí and many others.

Craftsmanship: it has very skilled artisan producers in the making of garments making use of the wool resources of lama and alpaca; in the production of gold, silver, tin and other jewelry; in the manufacture of cowhide or llama leather clothing; and in general of articles of crafts that reflect the conservation of the culture in their tissues, musical instruments, ornaments and others.

Ways of communication: The capital city communicates with the Republic of Peru through three road routes: La Paz - Desaguadero; La Paz - Copacabana; Puerto Acosta - Aigachi (paved routes). It is complemented by the navigation of Lake Titicaca to the Peruvian port of Puno. With the Republic of Chile the road La Paz - Patacamaya - Tambo Quemado (asphalted). With the cities of Oruro, Potosí and Sucre (paved route). For its union with the Beni, the Cotapata - Santa Bárbara highway has been enabled, which until the middle of 2005 will be asphalted and which allows the road link with the Yungas (site of great tourist potential) thus avoiding the famous road of death. It is also linked to Cochabamba and Santa Cruz by means of asphalt road. There is also the international airport of El Alto, which has air connections with the rest of the Departments of Bolivia and with some Latin American countries, the United States and Spain through direct flights.

Climate: The department of La Paz has varied climates: cold in the altiplano and puna brava, polar cold above 5000 meters high with perpetual snow such as Chacaltaya snow; tempered from 2000 to 3400 meters, warm from 500 to 2000 meters high and tropical in the Amazon plains of the north of the department. Climate in the city and mountains from -5 to 18 C on average and in the Yungas of La Paz from 20 to 25 C °.

ETHNIC GROUPS: The groups that stand out in the region for their quantity in population are the Aymara and the Quechua that settle in the zone of the altiplano and the valleys mesotermos respectively. In this region the landscapes are combined with snowy mountains that descend to settlements of indigenous settlements with the special characteristic of their clothes, their artisanal skill and the ancestral knowledge of the "Traditional Medicine" as it is the case of the callahuayas. In the warm zone they inhabit the Araona, Cavineño, Chimane - Tsimane, Esse ejja - Chama, Leco, Mosetén, Moxeño, Takana, Toromona. This area begins in the Yungas of La Paz, with abundant vegetation, waterfalls, fruit trees and plantations of coffee and coca. When continuing the course of rivers and mountains we are transported to the jungle with exotic places populated by some of the mentioned ethnic groups, who still live in their typical houses "pahuichis" and are dedicated to the harvesting of fruits, hunting and fishing.

GASTRONOMY: Chairo: soup prepared with chuño, chorizo ​​meat, soaked chalona, ​​potato, carrot, onion, beans, corn mote, good grass, wuacataya, oregano and salt to taste. Plato Paceño: Prepared with corn, potatoes, beans and cheese, accompanied with spicy sauce (llajua). Humacha cheese: As ingredients: cheese, yellow pepper, corn and pure potato. Serve two or three potatoes on a flat plate and decorate the plate served with plenty of melted cheese. Jakhonta: Prepared with pieces of meat, chuño, potato, cabbage leaves, onion; Flavored with oregano. Picana de Navidad: The ingredients are lamb, cow and chicken, carrot, turnip, raisins, chuño, pureja potatoes, corn and seasoned with bay leaves, pepper and red wine. Fricase: Traditional dish based on pork, white corn and chuño, all seasoned with yellow pepper, served in a bowl, with a portion of broth. Thimpu: Prepared with lamb meat, potatoes, rice, red chili pepper sauce, onion, peas and beans.

HISTORY: Pedro de La Gasca, who had managed to pacify Peru, decided that Alonso de Mendoza went to the land of Collao to found a city whose name would be: "Our Lady of La Paz". With this assignment, Mendoza arrived at Laja, where, on October 20, 1548, he laid the first foundation stone of the first city of La Paz. Three days later, Captain Mendoza and his companions arrived at the Chuquiago Valley, "where the stream was warmer and there was a stream of clear water." In the current neighborhood of Churubamba, Alonso de Mendoza returned to lay the foundations of "Our Lady peace". However, among the members of the cabildo there were discussions about whether the Choqueyapu valley would be the final one to erect the city.

Many voices requested that it be located in Yunguyo, because this site offered multiple advantages: the presence of Lake Titicaca, a good climate free of diseases and a great horizon towards which a future city could be extended. However, the Cabildo decided to maintain the current location. The department of La Paz is built on tiwanakotas, collas and Inca settlements as evidenced by the archaeological excavations carried out. The old indigenous village, settled in this region, bore the name of Chuquiago and was sighted (for the first time) in 1535, by the Spanish captain Don Juan Saavedra, who was part of an expedition of Diego de Almagro that was heading to Chile . Don Pedro de la Gazca, to commemorate the end of the civil war between almagritas and pizarristas, entrusted Don Alanzo de Mendoza with the foundation of the new city, with the name of "Our Lady of La Paz". Three days later and due to the inhospitality of the climate, the Spanish contingent is moved to the valley of Chuquiago. Emperor Carlos V sent to the city in 1555 a coat of arms with the legend: "The discords in concord in peace and love joined together and people of peace founded for perpetual memory", in reference to the peace between Almagro and Pizarro . In 1609, the Bishopric was established. In 1781, the Indian leader Julián Apaza, who had adopted the name of Tupak Katari, ascended the city with his army for 109 days and this was defended by Don Sebastián Segurola and released by the commander Ignacio Flores. The city of La Paz ruled against the Spanish yoke in 1809 under the leadership of Pedro Domingo Murillo who was hanged along with other patriots on July 16 of the same year.

The department of La Paz was created by Supreme Decree of January 23, 1826. Currently, the city of La Paz is the seat of government, a situation established since October 25, 1899, the date on which General José Manuel Pando took office. Presidency of the Republic as a result of the triumph of the Federal Revolution.


Valley of the moon - Market of the Witches - Valley of the Animas - Basilica of San Francisco - Muela del Diablo - The Way of the Eagle - Hikes through the pre-Columbian Ways (Choro, Takesi, etc.) - Museums and Viewpoints - Colonial Churches.




It is an archaeological city whose pre-Hispanic culture developed around 600-1100 AD approximately.

Currently DINAR, EL BID, LA CAF AND COBOCE, are jointly working on the Akapana project, which will uncover part of the structure of the Monumental Pyramid of Akapana.


On the 21st of June the Aymara New Year is celebrated, minutes before 6 o'clock in the morning the central ceremony begins with the burning of four ceremonial tables in the semi-subterranean pavilion of the Tiwanaku archaeological complex, the first rays of the sun will be expected in front of the Puerta del Sol near 07: 00.m instants considered opportune to receive the cosmic energy of the sun.


About more than a few miles from Aymaras will inaugurate the new year in the midst of rituals and offerings to INTI (sun) and Pachamama (earth), the tradition says that the first rays of the sun, at around 6 o'clock local time ( 10:00) M de G, fertilize the land and start the new year Tiwanaku agricultural, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The Indians also invoke the fertility of the earth with the sacrifice of llamas, whose blood is offered to the Sun and the Earth, and other Andean deities to ensure agricultural and livestock prosperity.


Also known as the Sacred Lake, due to its impressive natural beauty and the cultural treasures it treasures, it is one of the main tourist attractions of South America, with its 8,300 square kilometers, of which 3,300 belong to Bolivia and the rest to Peru .


The trip to Copacabana is easily done by bus, from La Paz to the Strait of Tiquina and from there the trip continues on the same bus to Copacabana.


Navigate Lake Titilada, Visit to the Sanctuary of Copacabana.
Visit to Museums - Visit to Calvary.
Visits to the Islands of the Sun and the Moon in Boat.


On the slopes of the snowy Chacaltaya, is the highest ski slope in the world, its height is 5,200m; It is 35 km away. From the city. From this summit, which is the highest of the slopes, you can see excellent panoramas; La Paz, Lake Titicaca, Huayna Potosí and the summits of the snowy Sajama.


The visit to Sorata is another recommended itinerary in the Department of La Paz, not only as a destination, but also as a starting point for walks, some of them lasting several days. The journey from La Paz to Sorata, which can be done by bus, crosses spectacular mountainous landscapes, from where you can see the snow-capped mountains such as the Illampu which has 6,362m and the Ancohuma of 6427m. The town was founded by the Spaniards.


It is located in the western end of the Department of La Paz in the province of Franz Tamayo and Bautista Saavedra. It highlights ecoregions niévales and preglaciares of the Cordillera de Apolobamba, the Andean High Semihumid floor, the wetland Prairie; Ceja de Yungas, Cloud Forest and subtropical.

Climate: The annual medial precipitation ranges between 300 and 1900 mm depending on the area and the slope. In the high Andean areas, the average annual temperature is 10ºC and 25ºC in the subtropical part.

Tourist attractions:

Hot springs - Nevado Catártica - Lake Suches - Lago Nube - Cololo - Pio Puyo - Charazani - Callahuayas Curve.


The region of the Yungas, located in the Andes, northwest of La Paz and beyond the Cordillera Real, at an altitude ranging between 700 and 2,400 meters above sea level, constitutes a transition zone between the cold and the arid altiplano, and heat of the Amazonian lowlands, Los Yungas is formed by wide valleys closed, hot and humid climate at the same time, originally covered by a typical tropical vegetation, somewhat modified by the height, constitutes an evergreen forest. Upon reaching the Yungas area, you can visit diverse tropical climate populations of the north and south Yungas such as Caranavi, Chulumani, Irupana etc. These towns have all the amenities for tourists.


One of the routes that are currently booming in the department of La Paz, is the one that reaches Rurrenabaque, located on the banks of the Beni River. Rurrenabaque is integrated into the Madidi National Park.

The Madidi National Park, integrates the largest biodiversity in South America in part still unexplored, with exuberant virgin vegetation and tropical fauna, it is an adventure route that reaches about 600 km. So your visit by land would require several days , but it can also be reached by air from La Paz to Rurrenabaque.


Among the regions that have pre-Columbian roads in Bolivia is the Yungas, which has several access routes in the North and South. For example, the Gold Road that connects the Sorata region with Mapiri; the Takesi, and the Yunga Cruz that unites the population of the same name with Siquilini. The Choro road, part of the Inca road network, was one of the main access roads to the Yungas del Norte.